Na dann mal los…

Jetzt aber los….

„On an August morning in 1978, French filmmaker Claude Lelouch mounted a gyro-stabilized camera to the bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB and had a friend, a professional Formula 1 racer, drive at breakneck speed through the heart of Paris. The film was limited for technical reasons to 10 minutes; the course was from Porte Dauphine, through the Louvre, to the Basilica of Sacre Coeur.
No streets were closed, for Lelouch was unable to obtain a permit.
The driver completed the course in about 9 minutes, reaching nearly 140 MPH in some stretches. The footage reveals him running real red lights, nearly hitting real pedestrians, and driving the wrong way up real one-way streets.“

Über Tom

"Die meisten 'normalen Leute' in meinem Bekanntenkreis würden mich wohl als 'Computernerd' bezeichnen. Die meisten Computernerds -einschliesslich meiner selbst- wären darüber anderer Meinung."
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